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T21N1354 “Œ•๛ลŸ“•‰ค”@˜าใS

dong1 fang1 zui4 sheng4 deng1 wang2 ru2 lai2 jing1


Short title: “•‰ค”@˜าใS  deng1 wang2 ru2 lai2 jing1

Alternative title: ลŸ“•‰ค_Ž๔ใS  zui4 sheng4 deng1 wang2 shen2 zhou4 jing1

–ง‹ณ•”  ไ@ 
่‹“฿›ฟ‘ฝ she2 na3 jue2 duo1 ‚ถ‚แ‚ศ‚ญ‚ม‚ฝ  [“™ๆก]   1 Šช

Canonical Sources

CanonVol.Nr.PageSource Texts
’†‰ุ020H03750471-0478 ‚—ํไh–{

Related Texts

  1. T19N1029 ˜ลเˆภ‘๎‘ษ—…“๒Ž๔ใS
  2. T21N1351 ˜ลเŽ‹ๅ_Ž๔ใS
  3. T21N1352 ˜ลเ‘ษ—ื“๒”ซใS
  4. T21N1353 “Œ•๛ลŸ“•‰ค‘ษ—…“๒ใS
  5. T21N1355 ˜ลเนลใ“•–พ”@˜า‘ษ—…“๒ใS

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Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02