WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts
Div. Authors Periods Taisho (Nr. Vol.) Trip.Kor. (Nr. Vol.) 中華 (Nr. Vol.) Nanjio Other

Texts associated with 法炬

法炬 fa3 ju4

There is a total of 27 texts associated with 法炬 in this database:

Texts associated with 法炬 are known in the following periods/areas:
北周 西晉 

  1. T01N0023 大樓炭經
  2. T01N0033 佛說恆水經
  3. T01N0034 法海經
  4. T01N0039 佛說頂生王故事經
  5. T01N0049 佛說求欲經
  6. T01N0055 佛說苦陰因事經
  7. T01N0064 佛說瞻婆比丘經
  8. T01N0065 佛說伏婬經
  9. T01N0070 佛說數經
  10. T02N0111 佛說相應相可經
  11. T02N0113 佛說難提釋經
  12. T02N0119 佛說鴦崛髻經
  13. T02N0122 佛說波斯匿王太后崩塵土坌身經
  14. T02N0133 頻毘婆羅王詣佛供養經
  15. T03N0178 前世三轉經
  16. T04N0211 法句譬喻經
  17. T04N0215 佛說群牛譬經
  18. T12N0332 佛說優填王經
  19. T14N0500 羅云忍辱經
  20. T14N0501 佛說沙曷比丘功德經
  21. T14N0502 佛為年少比丘說正事經
  22. T14N0503 比丘避女惡名欲自殺經
  23. T14N0508 阿闍世王問五逆經
  24. T14N0509 阿闍世王授決經
  25. T16N0683 佛說諸德福田經
  26. T16N0695 佛說灌洗佛形像經
  27. T17N0739 佛說慢法經

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Release 2.0 Last modified: 1.2.1998