WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts
Div. Authors Periods Taisho (Nr. Vol.) Trip.Kor. (Nr. Vol.) 中華 (Nr. Vol.) Nanjio Other

Texts associated with 法藏

法藏 fa3 zang4

There is a total of 29 texts associated with 法藏 in this database:

Texts associated with 法藏 are known in the following periods/areas:

  1. T33N1712 般若波羅蜜多心經略疏
  2. T35N1733 華嚴經探玄記
  3. T35N1734 華嚴經文義綱目
  4. T39N1790 入楞伽心玄義
  5. T40N1813 梵網經菩薩戒本疏
  6. T42N1826 十二門論宗致義記
  7. T44N1838 大乘法界無差別論疏并序
  8. T44N1846 大乘起信論義記
  9. T44N1847 大乘起信論義記別記
  10. T45N1866 華嚴一乘教義分齊章
  11. T45N1871 華嚴經旨歸
  12. T45N1872 華嚴策林
  13. T45N1873 華嚴經問答
  14. T45N1874 華嚴經明法品內三寶章
  15. T45N1875 華嚴經義海百門
  16. T45N1876 修華嚴奧旨妄盡還源觀
  17. T45N1877 華嚴遊心法界記
  18. T45N1878 華嚴發菩提心章
  19. T45N1879 華嚴經關脈義記
  20. T45N1880 金師子章雲間類解
  21. T45N1881 大方廣佛華嚴經金師子章
  22. T51N2073 華嚴經傳記
  23. Z0340495 大乘密嚴經疏 但欠第一
  24. Z0990209 摩訶止觀科節
  25. Z1030146 華嚴經普賢觀行法門
  26. Z1040889 於密滲施食旨概
  27. Z1040894 修習瑜伽集要施食壇儀
  28. Z1060968 弘戒法儀
  29. Z1140210 五宗原 附濟宗頌語

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Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02