WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts
Div. Authors Periods Taisho (Nr. Vol.) Trip.Kor. (Nr. Vol.) 中華 (Nr. Vol.) Nanjio Other

Texts associated with 智旭

智旭 zhi4 xu4

There is a total of 37 texts associated with 智旭 in this database:

Texts associated with 智旭 are known in the following periods/areas:

  1. T37N1762 佛說阿彌陀經要解
  2. T44N1850 大乘起信論裂網疏
  3. T46N1939 教觀綱宗
  4. Z0260086 楞伽經玄義
  5. Z0260103 楞伽經義疏
  6. Z0350101 占察善惡業報經玄義
  7. Z0350132 占察善惡業報經義疏
  8. Z0350302 盂蘭盆經新疏
  9. Z0390296 金剛經觀心釋
  10. Z0410940 般若心經釋要
  11. Z0440640 法華經玄義節要
  12. Z0500345 法華經綸貫
  13. Z0500359 法華經會義
  14. Z0590024 遺教經解
  15. Z0590079 四十二章經解
  16. Z0590223 八大人覺經略解
  17. Z0610372 菩薩戒本箋要
  18. Z0610390 菩薩戒羯磨文釋
  19. Z0630327 重治毗尼事義集要
  20. Z0710001 四分律藏大小持戒犍度略釋
  21. Z0710147 佛說齋經科註
  22. Z0760918 百法明門論直解
  23. Z0820393 成唯識論觀心法要
  24. Z0830267 唯識三十論直解
  25. Z0830356 觀所緣緣論直解
  26. Z0830400 觀所緣緣論釋直解
  27. Z0870153 因明入正理論直解
  28. Z0870185 真唯識量略解
  29. Z0980613 八識規矩直解
  30. Z0980872 大乘止觀法門釋要
  31. Z1010970 教觀綱宗釋義
  32. Z1060683 沙彌十戒威儀錄要
  33. Z1060907 律要後集
  34. Z1070391 梵網經懺悔行法
  35. Z1290124 占察善惡業報經行法
  36. Z1290136 讚禮地藏菩薩懺願儀
  37. Z1490478 見聞錄

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02