WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts
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Texts associated with 門人【居簡妙心大機慧忠可祖安具德宗滿自然慧觀壽椿德粹思敬良圭景行本真紹宗文闡寶生文藻自成】

門人【居簡妙心大機慧忠可祖安具德宗滿自然慧觀壽椿德粹思敬良圭景行本真紹宗文闡寶生文藻自成】 men2 ren2 ju1 jian3 miao4 xin1 da4 ji1 hui4 zhong1 ke3 zu3 an1 ju4 de2 zong1 man3 zi4 ran2 hui4 guan1 shou4 chun1 de2 cui4 si1 jing4 liang2 gui1 jing3 xing2 ben3 zhen1 shao4 zong1 wen2 chan3 bao3 sheng1 wen2 zao3 zi4 cheng2

There is one text connected with 門人【居簡妙心大機慧忠可祖安具德宗滿自然慧觀壽椿德粹思敬良圭景行本真紹宗文闡寶生文藻自成】 in this database:

  1. Z1230217 月江正印禪師語錄

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02