WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts
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T21N1242 佛說妙吉祥瑜伽大教金剛陪囉c4-5f4d輪觀想成就儀軌經

fo2 shuo1 miao4 ji2 xiang2 yu2 jia1 da4 jiao4 jin1 gang1 pei2 luo2 mo2 lun2 guan1 xiang3 cheng2 jiu4 yi2 gui3 jing1

Alternative title: 陪囉c4-5f4d轉輪觀想儀軌經  pei2 luo2 mo2 zhuan4 lun2 guan1 xiang3 yi2 gui3 jing1

法賢 fa3 xian2   [譯]   1 卷

Canonical Sources

CanonVol.Nr.PageSource Texts
中華064H13240720-0728 金臧廣勝寺本

Structural Division

  1. 曼拏羅分 man4 na2 luo2 fen1
  2. 一切成就法分 yi1 qie4 cheng2 jiu4 fa3 fen1
  3. 觀想分 guan1 xiang3 fen1
  4. 盡像儀軌分 jin4 xiang4 yi2 gui3 fen1
  5. 護摩法分 hu4 mo2 fa3 fen1
  6. 觀想成就分 guan1 xiang3 cheng2 jiu4 fen1

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02