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Texts associated with ”ÊŽá

”ÊŽá ban1 zang4 ‚Í‚ñ‚É‚á

There is a total of 9 texts associated with ”ÊŽá in this database:

Texts associated with ”ÊŽá are known in the following periods/areas:
‘v “‚ 

  1. T03N0159 ‘嘩–{¶S’næVãS
  2. T08N0253 ”ÊŽá”g—…–š‘œSãS
  3. T08N0261 ‘嘩—Žï˜Z”g—…–š‘œãS
  4. T10N0293 ‘å•ûœA˜Å‰ØšŽãS
  5. T14N0547 ‘å‰ÔšŽ’·ŽÒ–â˜Å“ß—…‰„—ÍãS
  6. T18N0868 ˜Åà”˜Å‹«ŠE^›‰ãS
  7. T19N0997 ŽçŒìš ŠEŽå‘É—…“òãS
  8. T19N1026 ˜Åà‘¢“ƒ‰„–œŒ÷œ{ãS
  9. Z1040679 yç׉ޖŽ“ò”@˜ÒUœ‹êœ»Œ»‘å_Ìz”ò‹ó‘唫–@

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02