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Texts associated with ‰MŠξ

‰MŠξ kui1 ji1 ‚«‚«

There is a total of 24 texts associated with ‰MŠξ in this database:

Texts associated with ‰MŠξ are known in the following periods/areas:
“‚ δ@ 

  1. T33N1695 ‘ε”ΚŽα”g—…–¨‘½γS”ΚŽα—Žο•ͺqŽ]
  2. T33N1700 ‹ΰ„”ΚŽαγSζӏq
  3. T33N1710 ”ΚŽα”g—…–¨‘½SγS—HζΣ
  4. T34N1723 –­–@˜@‰ΨγSŒΊζΣ
  5. T37N1757 ˆ’œ\‘ΙγS‘`
  6. T37N1758 ˆ’œ\‘ΙγS’ΚζΣ‘`
  7. T38N1772 ζVœ\θӏ㐢Š•—¦“VγSζΣ
  8. T38N1782 ΰ–³CβiγS‘`
  9. T40N1816 ‹ΰ„”ΚŽα˜_˜πηΧ
  10. T43N1829 ΰο‰ΎŽt’n˜_—ͺŽ[
  11. T43N1830 ¬—BŽ―˜_q‹L
  12. T43N1831 ¬—BŽ―˜_Ά’†žβ—v
  13. T43N1834 —BŽ―“ρ\˜_q‹L
  14. T44N1835 η‡’†η²˜_q‹L
  15. T44N1836 ‘ε˜©•S–@–Ύ–ε˜_‰π
  16. T44N1840 ˆφ–Ύ“ό³—˜_‘`
  17. T45N1861 ‘ε˜©–@‰‘‹`—яΝ
  18. Z0380591 ‹ΰ„γS櫏q
  19. Z0520565 –@‰ΨγSˆΧˆΧΝ
  20. Z0740603 θΆW˜_q‹L
  21. Z0750605 ΰο‰Ύ˜_…Νθρ
  22. Z0760927 ¬—BŽ―˜_—ΏŠΘ
  23. Z0770866 ¬—BŽ―˜_•Κ΄ ’AŒ»‘Ά
  24. Z0830421 ˆΩ•”@—Φ˜_‘`q‹L

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02