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The later Wei, 0386-0550.

The following 14 translators or authors have been active in this period or area, producing a total of 96 texts:

αΨ“ά”ΚŽα—¬Žx qu2 tan2 ban1 zang4 liu2 zhi1 ‚­‚Η‚ρ‚Ν‚ρ‚Ι‚α‚ι‚΅ 12
‹g‰ή–ι ji2 jia1 ye4 ‚«‚Α‚©‚β 5
•μ’ρ—¬Žx pu2 ti2 liu2 zhi1 ‚Ϊ‚Ύ‚’‚ι‚΅ 29
–@κ fa3 chang3 ‚Ω‚€‚Ά‚ε‚€ 1
—΄Žχ•μŽF long2 shu4 pu2 sa4 ‚θ‚γ‚€‚Ά‚γ‚Ϊ‚³‚Β 18
“Ve•μŽF tian1 qin1 pu2 sa4 ‚Δ‚ρ‚Ά‚ρ‚Ϊ‚³‚Β 15
‘ε˜©˜_Žt”k–χžΟ“€ da4 cheng2 lun4 shi1 po2 sou3 pan2 dou4 ‚Ύ‚’‚Ά‚ε‚€‚λ‚ρ‚Ά‚Ξ‚»‚Ξ‚ρ‚Η 1
θΣ“ί–€’ρ le4 na3 mo2 ti2 ‚λ‚­‚Θ‚ά‚Ύ‚’ 2
’ρ”k•μŽF ti2 po2 pu2 sa4 ‚Ύ‚’‚Ξ‚Ϊ‚³‚Β 4
ˆ’‘m‰Ύ a1 seng1 jia1 ‚ ‚»‚€‚¬‚α 1
ŸΔˆΣ•μŽF jing4 yi4 pu2 sa4 ‚Ά‚ε‚€‚’‚Ϊ‚³‚Β 1
“άκa tan2 luan2 ‚Η‚ρ‚η‚ρ 4
ŒdŒυ hui4 guang1 ‚¦‚±‚€ 2
θΛ™ž ling2 bian4 1

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Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02