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Texts associated with 天親菩薩

天親菩薩 tian1 qin1 pu2 sa4 てんじんぼさつ

There is a total of 15 texts associated with 天親菩薩 in this database:

Texts associated with 天親菩薩 are known in the following periods/areas:
元魏 後秦 後魏   

  1. T25N1511 金剛般若波羅蜜經論
  2. T26N1522 十地經論
  3. T26N1526 寶髻經四法憂波提舍
  4. T26N1528 涅槃經本有今無偈論
  5. T26N1529 遺教經論
  6. T26N1531 文殊師利菩薩問菩提經論
  7. T26N1532 勝思惟梵天所問經論
  8. T26N1533 轉法輪經憂波提舍
  9. T31N1588 唯識論
  10. T31N1589 大乘唯識論
  11. T31N1599 中邊分別論
  12. T31N1608 業成就論
  13. T31N1610 佛性論
  14. T31N1614 大乘百法明門論
  15. T32N1659 發菩提心經論

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Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02