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T31N1600 辯中邊論

bian4 zhong1 bian1 lun4


世親菩薩 shi4 qin1 pu2 sa4 せしんぼさつ
玄奘 xuan2 zang4 げんじょう  [譯]   3 巻

Canonical Sources

CanonVol.Nr.PageSource Texts
中華030H06500533-0555 高麗臧本 金臧廣勝寺本

Related Texts

  1. T31N1599 中邊分別論
  2. T31N1601 辯中邊論頌
  3. T44N1835 辯中邊論述記

Structural Division

  1. 辯相品 bian4 xiang4 pin3
  2. 辯障品 bian4 zhang4 pin3
  3. 辯眞實品 bian4 zhen1 shi2 pin3
  4. 辯修對治品 bian4 xiu1 dui4 zhi4 pin3
  5. 辯修分位品 bian4 xiu1 fen1 wei4 pin3
  6. 辯得果品 bian4 de2 guo3 pin3
  7. 辯無上乘品 bian4 wu2 shang4 cheng2 pin3

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02