WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts
Div. Authors Periods Taisho (Nr. Vol.) Trip.Kor. (Nr. Vol.) 中華 (Nr. Vol.) Nanjio Other

Texts associated with 凝然

凝然 ning2 ran2

There is a total of 8 texts associated with 凝然 in this database:

Texts associated with 凝然 are known in the following periods/areas:

  1. T62N2247 梵網戒本疏日珠鈔
  2. T72N2335 華嚴宗要義
  3. T72N2339 五教章通路記
  4. T74N2348 律宗綱要
  5. T74N2355 通受比丘懺悔兩寺不同記
  6. T84N2687 淨土法門源流章
  7. T84N2720 聲明源流記
  8. T84N2721 音曲祕要抄

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02