WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts
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T70N2291 金剛頂瑜伽中發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心論祕釋

jin1 gang1 ding3 yu2 jia1 zhong1 fa1 a1 nou4 duo1 luo2 san1 miao3 san1 pu2 ti2 xin1 lun4 mi4 shi4

續論疏部  日本 
覺&C4-5E31; jue2 wan3   [撰]   1 卷

Canonical Sources


Related Texts

  1. T32N1665 金剛頂瑜伽中發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心論
  2. T70N2292 金剛頂發菩提心論私抄
  3. T70N2293 金剛頂宗菩提心論口決
  4. T70N2294 菩提心論見聞
  5. T70N2295 菩提心論異本

This file is part of the WWW Database of Chinese Buddhist texts maintained by Christian Wittern. All rights reserved. Usage permitted for non-commercial purpose, but please acknowledge my work. Any comments and suggestions are welcome. Click here to send me a message.

Release 2.0A Last modified: 2002-12-02